We made a big nay-nay, er, no-no, in last week’s “Farm to school is really cool” write-up when we referred to a gelding as an unneutered stallion.
Apparently, readers really know their horses because we got a flurry of calls and e-mails telling us we got it backward: A gelding is a neutered stallion.
In other oopsies news, a few of you disagreed with the answer provided with last week’s mystery photo. Reader Charles Gerhan doesn’t dispute the fact that pilot Charles Lindbergh visited Concord in 1927, but had this to say about the route: “He flew alone on May 20–21, 1927 from Roosevelt Field, Long Island, New York, to Le Bourget Field, Paris, France, in a specially designed (to his criteria) Ryan NYP single-engine monoplane. . . . His first stop in Concord was on July 23, 1927 when he flew from Boston, intending to land in Portland, Maine.”
We stand corrected.