The Cappies are here!

Welcome, dear readers, to the Concord Monitor and Concord Insider's first-ever Capital Area People's Preference awards issue. You've probably been anticipating it for a while, and frankly we can't blame you. The Cappies are pretty gosh darn exciting.

In February, we asked the fine people of the Capital Region to tell us what they liked most about the area – from the food they eat to the dentists who clean their teeth. Here you'll find the best of the best businesses, restaurants and activities to do, as voted by you, the people.

Nearly 1,500 hearty souls slogged through our grueling 129-category survey – not a bad response, we think, for our first time out. Years from now, we envision the Cappies being so popular that we'll have to hire a robot to sort through the truckloads full of responses we receive. Just wait.

Competition was as fierce as a spastic kitten this year, with a handful of contenders waging their own get-out-the-vote campaigns (Concord Hospital, jamAntics, Turbo Tan, we're looking at you). It paid off, and hopefully we'll see more of it in the future.

A big congrats to all of our winners for earning this prestigious (and soon to be highly-coveted) title. A Cappie award isn't just proof that the people in and around Concord like you, it's a free yearlong pass to brag about how great you are. You always knew you were the best – now you have a Cappie to back it up.

And let us extend our gratitude to those who voted. You took a chance on a fledgling award and it paid off. The success of this year's Cappies is thanks to you.

That said, we hope you enjoy this issue and look forward to hearing from you next year.

See you next week,


Author: Cassie Pappathan

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  1. I’m trying to vote for the Cappies. I keep getting “Survey is closed”

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    • Sorry, voting for the Cappies closed April 30. Look for the results in the May 21 Insider.

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