'Tis the season for shopping and the requisite bags that come with it. My educated guess is that most of those bags we accumulate will end up in the trash. A better alternative would be to recycle them at the grocery store. The best alternative is to decline the bags in the first place. In other words, bring your own bags to the stores where you shop.
As challenging as it is to get people to bring reusable bags to the grocery store, it is even more challenging to get them to do the same for trips downtown, to the mall or to big box stores. Maybe some feel they don't have the right bag for that. I'm here to assure you that no one will think less of you if you use one of your grocery bags (complete with logo) when you do your non-grocery shopping. Sure, you can buy a special one for that purpose (Real Green Goods sells a good variety), but the important thing is to remember to bring one along.
Picture Black Friday at the mall. Now what if all of those people in your image were carrying their purchases in reusable bags from home instead of the retailers' standard issue? That would prevent a ton of bags from entering the waste stream.
If you're trying to think of a creative gift for someone who may need an environmental nudge, consider a reusable bag. Attach a note to it saying “put me in the car so I'm there when you need me.”
I would be remiss if I did not put in a plug for a greener type of shopping. The perfect gift does not have to be something new. Antique and thrift shops offer unlimited possibilities to thrill even the most challenging people on your list. You might be surprised at what you can find.