Earlier this month during an Oct. 9 Concord High School football game, Concord High's assistant band director, Gabriel Cohen, got major brownie points by proposing to his girlfriend Sarah Burke during halftime.
Good ol' Gaberiel posted “Sarah Burke, will you marry me?” on the marching band's tubas. When the band marched in front of the stands and Sarah saw the proposal, there was a lot of excitement from the audience (and we can imagine from Sarah, too!).
Sarah said yes and the crowd cheered! If she said “no,” we probably wouldn't have printed these pictures. This story wouldn't be quite as sweet if it ended with a broken-hearted Gabriel. Luckily, we didn't have to make that call.
Do you have a romantic, funny or unique proposal story? Send it on over to news@theconcordinsider.com. We'd love to include it in an upcoming issue of The Insider. Our hearts will become even more warm and fuzzy if you include a photo of you and your loved one.
Congratulations to Sarah and Gabriel! May your lives be full of lots of love, laughs and issues of The Insider.
Thanks to Rich Woodfin of NH Sports Photography for sending us these awesome pictures.