Looking for something to do after the sugar rush from Halloween wears off? Look no further than the Concord Coachmen's 50th annual concert, to be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Concord City Auditorium, 41 Green St. This year, the concert will also feature the Average Joes and Not Too Sharp, and the Coachmen have invited two youth choruses, The T-tones from Saint Paul's School and the Scholarship Vocal Ensemble from Concord Community Music School.
The Concord Coachmen, which features men ages 15 to 88, is one of seven barbershop choruses in New Hampshire. The group is celebrating its 52nd year. Peter Sajko, president of the Coachmen, is in his fifth year. The Concord Coachmen are always recruiting. When asked the requirements to join the group, Sajko says members simply must be male and love to sing. You don't need to know how to read notes or play an instrument. You will be partnered with a mentor and given a learning CD to hone your craft.
The Coachmen say the top five reasons to join are to sharpen your singing skills, sing your heart out, establish lasting friendships, enrich your life and the life of others and have fun! As Sajko so eloquently put it, “When you get hooked, you get hooked for life. I'm a lifer.”
Joe Hayden, a member for 25 years, is in his second year of organizing the concert. It is an all-ages show. Adding the younger choruses is an attempt to broaden the appeal of acapella to the younger generation. The concert will feature a mix of styles arranged for barbershop voices: everything from country, Disney and doo-wop to the Beatles and, of course, all the old-time favorites.
The Concord Coachmen meet once a week to practice on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Concord Community Music School. Eric Ruthenberg, director, leads the Coachmen through a 10- to 20-minute warmup and then they practice their songs.
So, get on over to the Audi Sunday and get ready to be treated to a harmonious performance! Tickets cost $9 in advance, $14 at the door and $12 for seniors. You can purchase tickets in advance by e-mailing quartenor@comcast.net. Advance tickets are also available at Ballard's Novelty, Gibson's Bookstore and Adams Lock and Safe. For more information, visit harmonize.com/coachmen.