The Zonta Club of Concord is accepting applications from undergraduates of New Hampshire attending a four-year business school for its $500 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship. Priority will be given to applicants whose permanent legal residence is in Merrimack County. Applications and additional eligibility requirements are available online through the Zonta International website,, under “Scholarships & Award Programs” found on the home page; or by contacting Janet Copestakes at 224-9692 or Janice Severance at 229-0211.
The Zonta International Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are open to women pursuing an undergraduate degree in business leading to a business management career. The program is designed to encourage undergraduate women to enter careers and seek leadership positions in business-related fields. The scholarship looks to the women of today to be the leaders of tomorrow.
The recipient of Concord's $500 award will be eligible to compete at the Zonta district 1 level for an additional $500 award. The successful district 1 recipient will be qualified to compete for one of six $5,000 Zonta International Awards.
Completed applications should be sent to: Zonta Club of Concord, NH, Attn: Janice Severance, P.O. Box 1736, Concord, NH 03302-1736 by Friday, May 8.
Zonta Club of Concord