Where else but Craigslist would we be entertained so thoroughly? Nowhere, that’s where. Here are our favorite recent Concord entries, in all their unedited glory:
Did anyone notice me?
I was sitting by myself at Dos Amigos Sunday afternoon, around 3/3:30. Tell me something about me.
you made fun of how I pronounced your home state!
Am wondering how you are doing?
Friday night around 8pm Cumberland farms on Manchester Street in Conco
You are the clerk at the cumberland farms on manchester street in concord. I came in a little after 8pm on friday said hi to you and bought a coke zero. I think you are really cute and would like to get to know you. I hope you see this and contact me.
Analyze this…
I think about you every day. I wonder if the decision I made was the right one. I know now that pushing you away was only done to push away my need to face things that are difficult for me. I would have begged for you back by now but you made it clear that you didn’t want contact. Maybe I shouldn’t have listened to you but it feels too late now. Why bother? Because we had something pretty amazing. I don’t think anyone can be completely “healed” from the things in their past…but accepting it is a start. The ball is in my court but I am too scared to do anything about it. I hope that remaining apart would be the best for us…because I know I won’t find the nerve to find out otherwise before it really IS too late. I miss you.