Lip balm recommendations

We asked readers to submit their lip balm recommendations, just in case the lip balm reviews weren't enough for you. The moral of the story? Most of Concord is obsessed with chap stick. It’s always nice to find out you’re not alone in your neuroses.

For maintenance, my favorite chap stick is Badger Certified Organic Tangerine Breeze. My emergency medical chap stick is Badger’s Certified Organic Cocoa Butter called creamy cocoa. Man, does it work! No stinging, either.
Debby de Moulpied, Bow

Blistex is the best by far . . . kind of glides on, very smooth.
Robin Frament

Aveda Lip Saver is the BOMB! For emergencies: classic, dependable Vaseline.
Becky Kinhan, Concord

I use Market Basket’s generic lip balm every chance I get, because at my age, I often forget lipstick and like the chap stick as a substitute.
Mary Lou Fuller, Concord

What’s your favorite chap stick/lip balm? Good old plain (I’m Republican). And how often do you use it? Only when needed. Ever had a chap stick emergency? Yes . . . many times. I keep a spare in my car center console.
Richard Bean, Chichester

My favorite is Kiss My Face, cranberry orange. I have various lip balms, chap sticks and glosses stashed in my desk, kitchen drawer, car console and purse and use them probably 10-15 times a day. Does that make me crazy?
Sarah Earle, Loudon

My favorite lip balm is the brand name: Chap Stick. I use it whenever the lips feel dry, which is about 4-6 times a day.
Chap Stick emergency: On any of the very rare occasions I forget to bring it with me, I have backup sticks in the car and in my travel bag. If the backups aren’t available, I’ll go buy another stick at the nearest store.
Thomas Duffy, Concord

Burt’s Bees lip shimmer champagne (for a little glisten) and Kiss my face ginger/mango (for the taste). Both make me very happy!
Deb Green, Concord

Avon bubblegum flavor, at least five times a day.
Joy Potter, Concord

I use plain old Vaseline at night and plain old Chap Stick away from home. They seem to work the best and I try to keep a Chap Stick tube in every coat. The only problem I’ve had with them is putting them through the washer and dryer because I forget to take them out of pockets. Yuck. 🙂
Sue Champney, Concord

I don’t have any great testimonies about lip balm, but thought you should know about this product: Chicken Poop Lip Junk. (It has no poop in it, actually. Ingredients are soybean oil, beeswax, lavender and some other essential oils). I bought some for my partner’s Christmas stocking but had to get it online because no one around here sells it. I don’t know why, there are plenty of crazy chicken farmers and backyard poultry enthusiasists who would love this, I think. Anyway here’s the scoop on the poop:
Ruth Smith, Canterbury

Author: The Concord Insider

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