Colette Farland-Vogt of Horseshoe Pond Place Senior Resource Program kindly invited me to attend Horseshoe Pond's January birthdays celebration on Jan. 16.
I accepted the invite faster than she could say “pot roast.” In this economy, I can't turn down a free lunch.
Once a month, the folks of Horseshoe Pond Place get together for lunch and cake (with ice cream, of course) to celebrate the month's birthdays. This month, if you haven't guessed already, pot roast was being served, along with hearty helpings of mashed potatoes, carrots and gravy.
It sure beats my usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a trip to McDonald's.
During lunch, I sat and chatted with Roger and Pat Britton and Bob and Marie Cheney. Not only do both couples live at Horseshoe Pond Place, but Pat and Marie are sisters. Apparently, Bob and Marie met thanks to Roger introducing them back in the day.
But wait, it gets better. Not only have Roger and Bob been friends since their Concord High School days (the two graduated in 1948), but both the Brittons and the Cheneys have been married for 57 years and their wedding anniversaries are only three months apart. Also, guess whose birthdays are in January?
Roger's and Bob's.
Pretty neat, huh?
Pat and Marie's sister, Ruth Berassl, also lives in the senior resource center. The couples both agreed that it's great to still all be together (the sisters also attended Concord High School) and had nothing but great things to say about Horseshoe Pond Place and its staff.
Honestly, I don't blame them for singing all those praises. The center keeps them busy with all sorts of activities ranging from walking groups and exercise groups to bingo and Boggle. On Friday, Jan. 23, the group will dress for the beach, eat watermelon and listen to the Beach Boys during the center's first annual, “Beat the Winter Blues” party.
Sounds like more fun than sitting in my cubicle. However, as one lovely lady pointed out to me, the seniors there have earned the fun.
So until I've earned it, I'll just have to be satisfied with being an occasional guest. Hey, if there's cake and ice cream involved, I'm definitely okay with that.