Make some promises to yourself

It’s almost Jan. 1, which means we’ll all be contemplating the past year and, upon reflection, vowing to make some improvements.
We asked some familar Insider faces for their resolutions. Assuming we’re all still friends in a year, we’ll check back with everyone and see how they did. It’s tough to keep resolutions for a whole year, but we have faith in these guys.
Not sure what you should resolve to do? Here are our easy-to-keep suggestions:
1. Bake more cookies.
2. Stop hogging the fast lane.
3. Commit The Insider to memory every week.
4. Don’t try the self-checkout lane for the first time when there’s a line of seven people behind you.
5. Make up your own language. Speak to your friends using your new language so they can learn it, too.
6. Hug more trees.
7. Stay out of the police log.

Happy New Year!

The Insiders

Elaine Kellerman, aka The Recylinator
On Tuesday, Dec. 16, I attended a meeting at the West Street Ward House. The purpose of the meeting was to provide information to residents about future costs of solid waste collection. A total of 18 people, including city officials, were present. The Solid Waste Committee chairman, city councilman Keith Nyhan, stated that only 9 percent of the city’s trash is recycled. The goal is to increase that rate to 25 percent. I believe that Concord can meet and even exceed that rate. I resolve in 2009 to do what I can to increase recycling in Concord. It is easy being green!

Bigfoot, furry beast
My 2009 New Year Resolutions.
1. To become an herbivore. Spare the chickens.
2. To wear pants. This was Concord PD’s idea.
3. And finally, to be a regular contributor to the Concord Insider. My fingers are crossed on this one.

Sophia Johnson, third-grade correspondent
1. More hockey.
2. More cooperating.
3. More loving.
4. Less crying.

Sean Peick, long-suffering college helper
Like most people, I make New Year’s sesolutions every year. They usually end up being along the same lines, mostly because I never follow through on them past the first couple of weeks (I think I resolved for about 10 straight years to stop picking my nails when I was a little kid). However, this year, I’ve decided to make resolutions that I can actually keep. Therefore, my New Year’s resolutions are as follows:

1.) Follow through on my New Year’s resolutions – this is a no-brainer.
2). Go to the fitness center at BC at least three times a week – because my dorm is only five minutes away, for crying out loud.
3.) Get more sleep – because when my eyes get heavy during my first class of the day at 11 a.m., it’s a sign that going to bed every night at 2 a.m. just isn’t cutting it.
4.) Say hi to more people that I know when I pass them walking around – because, regrettably, I instinctively avert my eyes for no good reason sometimes.
5. )Enjoy each and every day for what it is – because it’s far too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget that each day is unique/something to be appreciated.
(Ed. – Sean, you inspire us to be better people. And that’s saying something, because we’re pretty great as it is, no matter what The Grammarnator might say.)

Ella Fabozzi, third-grade correspondent
1. Practice violin every day.
2. Make bed every day.
3. Learn how to roller skate.
4. Clean room more often
5. Read harder books.

Author: kmackenzie

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