Book review of the week

If your resolutions are to read more and to save more money, The Concord Public Library can help you keep that resolution. So, go on now . . . check it out!

The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes – and Why
Amanda Ripley
2008, 266 pages

Did you know that the human body responds to stress and fear by narrowing your field of vision, heightening your hearing and increasing your heart rate?
Investigative reporter Amanda Ripley examines these and other autonomic bodily responses and talks with survivors of a number of different tragedies in this examination of how humans respond to disaster in order to discover what behaviors allow some to survive.
She talked with disaster specialists, as well as brain and trauma specialists, to understand what happens to people in times of disaster. She also shows that understanding these evolutionary human responses and training for fearful situations can help more people survive tragedies. A fascinating look at human behavior.

Sandi Lee
Adult Services Supervisor

Author: kmackenzie

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