Ask the Elders: New Year's resolutions

Dear Elders, What are your New Year’s resolutions?
The Insiders

Roioli Schweiker
In most of the places where I lived before, things seemed to start at the appointed time, and being a good little person, I was always early.
When I came here, I continued being early, but instead of starting on time, activities seemed to start late, waiting “in case someone else comes.” This led to frustration for me and irritation for the other people when I was always complaining about it.
A number of years ago I resolved not to be early for anything that wouldn’t leave without me. This worked very well, and I have renewed it every year since.

Jan Stickler
My New Year’s resolution this year is, to quote the country/Western song, “Live like I was dying.”
I’ve always thought of life as a gift, but when you reach a certain age in life, it becomes even more poignant.
Oh, I’m not going to take up bungie jumping or sky ping, but I am going to take a closer look at my life. On the day I receive my final gift, I don’t want to be left thinking,“I should have done that” – “I should have said that” – “I should have felt that.”
Happy New Year!

Casper Kranenburg
My one resolution for the New Year is to begin getting a healthier life by walking more, eating less snack foods, drinking light beer and low-fat bourbon.
I’ll start this on Jan. 1, but I have to go to a party that evening so maybe Jan. 20 is better.
That, however, is the inauguration of our new president with lots of parties and celebrations I just have to go to.
Okay, St. Patrick’s Day then, mid-March – but wait, that is the only time in the year I get to eat cabbage and corned beef washed down with Guinness, so maybe Easter is the best time to start, right after the ham and mashed potatoes are finished.
Well, come to think of it, waiting till Memorial Day may be a better time to start: It is sort of the beginning of summer, and I’ll want to look good then.
But I can’t miss the July 4th festivities with outdoor barbecues all summer, so let’s wait till after Labor Day, much better as summer is then officially over and I’ll have more time to dedicate to this well-thought-out plan.
Uh oh, Thanksgiving Day is then approaching and I certainly don’t want to miss out on stuffed turkey and yams, so maybe it’s better to wait till after the end of November. That does not give much time till Christmas and its festivities and, for sure, another turkey with all the trimmings.
So, right after Christmas I’ll start, I promise.

Steve Leavenworth
Boy, that’s a hard one. I never had a resolution I couldn’t break.
How about this: I RESOLVE TO LOSE TEN POUNDS BY JUNE 30. Of course, there’s plenty more to take off, but 10 is possible, more is a maybe.
Other kinds of improvements are difficult when you are already almost perfect!

Bill Twibill
I resolve the following:
1. Always have plenty of ice for friends who like happy hours.
2. To have corkscrews everywhere – “always prepared,” just like the Boy Scouts.
3. Always buy wine by the case. You save mucho $$$$$.
4. Always eat fruits, limes, lemons, cherries and olives. Great for the mixes and good for you, too. (Chill the tonic.)
5. Always have plenty of gin or vodka. A good bourbon, too.
6. Always have chilled champagne, not only for the new year. Pop the bubbily often. Also, enjoy a mimosa and brunch it up.
7. Always have plenty of snacks to complement the liquid refreshments (as if i would not).
8. Always keep a few beers chilling next to vinos and bubblies.
9. Always enjoy the company of the ones you love and lift that glass (responsibly, of course) to life, health and happiness in the new year.
10. To wish all the Insider’s readers a very happy New Year.

Author: kmackenzie

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