Last week, we asked you to share memories of the Princess Restaurant. Here’s what you said:
“From the l920s to the early l960s, an enterprising couple, Christ and Madeline Mamos, built a grocery store and filling station with tourist cabins on Fisherville Road (which links West Concord to Penacook). In the same area, over the years, they built a sandwich shop called The Red Rooster, a miniature golf course, and the Princess Ice Cream Factory that was later converted to the Capital City Potato Chip Factory.
“The Mamos’s best known enterprise was the Princess Restaurant and Ballroom, which they built in 1947. The restaurant served fine food, and the ballroom was widely known and a popular dancing spot. It featured a beautiful mirrored centerpiece ball. The Princess Ballroom was also a favorite place for wedding receptions and banquets. The Princess Ballroom was sold in l961.
“Christ Mamos was my great-uncle. As a young boy, I worked at the Princess Restaurant and Ballroom washing dishes and checking coats in at the dances on Saturday nights. The Princess dance floor was so smooth and beautiful. I think of it often.”
“Since I moved to West Concord 36 years ago, my mother has told me how she and my father (Oney and Estelle Heath) went to the Princess Restaurant on Fisherville Road in the fall of 1950. She had just come to Concord from Eaton to attend Concord Commercial College. He would come to visit her and they’d eat there. She said it was a very nice place (not a ‘joint’ as you labeled it!) The building is still there; now a carpet store.”
“That place was my neighbor on Fisherville Road in West Concord during the 1950s. We called it the Princess Ballroom. It was a popular spot for Saturday night dancing. It’s now Concord Carpet Center. Just when it was sold and who the first buyer was, I don’t remember. I only remember the time when the music floated through the air on Saturday nights.”